
Practice makes perfect

All MANDARIN JOURNEY quizzes are centered on the learning scope of the learning platform. The quizzes are aimed to further improve your vocabulary, pronunciation and broaden your knowledge and comprehension skills.

There are fifteen levels in this learning process, which are centered around the reading, listeniing and writing sections of the learning platform.

To begin playing the game, click on the Start Quiz button below.

The rules and guide for the quizzes will be clearly stated upon starting of the game.

Pay attention to the instruction, read the questions carefully and most importantly, make sure to relax and learn!

Best of luck!

Some Rules of this Quiz
1. You will have only 15 seconds to answer each question.
2. Once you select your answer, it can't be undone.
3. You can't select any option once timer goes off.
4. You can't exit from the Quiz while you're playing.
5. You'll get points on the basis of your correct answers.
6. There are 15 levels which are based of the fifteen Lessons. Each level has a total of 5 questions.
Select a Level
Time Left
You've completed the Quiz!